Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Recommended New Website Recipe Key

How often do you look in the pantry and refrigerator and go blank trying to figure out what to have for dinner with the ingredients on hand?  This month while participating in the Eat From Your Pantry Challenge I have faced that dilemma over and over again.  I stand in front of the pantry and look at all the items and a spark of inspiration does not appear.  Then I think of something and realize one key ingredient is missing.  I ponder again and am sure there are 100's of combinations I have not tried.  But what are they?

Today I found a website that will take the ingredients I have on hand and with the click of a button, list out possible recipes that can be made.  I am thrilled!!  Recipe Key is super simple and user friendly.  Foods are listed in categories like vegetables.  Click on vegetables and a page including pictures of vegetables in alphabetical order appears.  You simply click on the pictures of all the veggies you have on hand and send them to your virtual pantry.  You can choose if it is a main ingredient or a secondary ingredient then search for recipes that contain only the ingredients you have.  It is a wonder, a miracle, a solution to my hours of debating what to have and then resorting to a can of soup or bowl of cereal simply because my creative juices are just not flowing.

Recipe Key has thought of so many things like allergies, a blog, a forum and a way to add recipes.

I am going to spend some time today and enter in the contents of my pantry.  It might take hours but I think for someone like me it will be a great tool and another internet marvel to make life easier and more convenient.

After thought:  I just finished entering all the ingredients they had pictures for and it did not take much time at all!  In fact, it gave me some ideas to add to my shopping list and things to keep in my food storage.  What an easy way to know what you have on hand and be able to at a glance make a shopping list and a weekly menu!  I am sold.

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