Tuesday, October 6, 2009

International Blog Readers

I am so pleased and surprised to see that people from 58 countries and territories including:

 Venezuala, Portugal, Malta, Latvia, Benin, Chile, Kuait, Czeck Republic, North Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Latvia, Italy, Japan, Jamaica, Benin, Austria, Honduras, Malta, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Kuwait, Serbia, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Finland, Argentina, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Mongolia, The Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Great Britain, Romania, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Turkey, India, Guam, Poland, France, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, New Zealand, Australia, The Philippines, Mexico, Canada, Ireland, Greece and the United States of America 

have spent a moment and tuned in!  The blog tracker map shows me what countries you are from. 
Thank you all and I hope you found something useful or had a good chuckle.  I would love to hear from you.  Please send me an email and I promise to write back.  I would like to know more about canning in other countries and hear some of your canning stories.  Maybe you have ideas for more articles or have information you would like to share with others.  My email address is thefrugalfraulein@comcast.net ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Abby :-)  It truly is a small world!  I will add new countries daily so watch the number grow.


Anonymous said...

Its Miss Thrifty from


Do you have a fairly simple recipe for pickled watermelon. Hopefully a refigerator version.


Also you may want to sign up for www.houseparty.com
You get to have aparty or virtual party and the company pays for it by sending samples and gifts and sometimes a giftcard to pay for other stuff.

By, Shelley

The Frugal Fraulein said...

I have not canned watermellon rind but I found this site for you http://thebittenword.typepad.com/thebittenword/2009/08/pickled-watermelon-rind.html Good luck and let us know how it comes out.